Casting Director Recommended Profile Photos

JULY 3, 2023
Examples of recommended profile photos.

Looking for ways to get booked and on set of popular movies and TV shows? One of the top tips from our Casting Directors is to keep your profile photos updated with current unique and distinct looks. With these recommended profile photos, you can show that you're a professional Background Actor.

Profile photo basics

The main photos in your online profile are the headshot and full body shot you took during Talent Onboarding. If your look has changed, it's important to upload new photos that accurately reflect how you look now. These self-uploaded photos are what our Casting Directors look at when considering you for background work, so it's important that they always reflect what you look like right now.

Your profile photos do not need to be taken professionally, but we do recommend having a friend or family member take them to ensure you are framed and lit correctly. Your profile photos should only feature you, be well lit and in focus with your face clearly visible, and be taken against a white or solid background. Do not upload photos that are edited, touched up, or include filters; these do not accurately reflect your look and cannot be used to consider you for work.

You should only upload photos of yourself in portrait (vertical) orientation. This makes it easier for Casting Directors to clearly see your look.

Recommended profile photos

Casting Directors stress quality over quantity when it comes to adding photos to your online profile and recommend a current casual, business, and formal look, then 1-2 photos of unique looks or wardrobe. If you add too many photos, it only clutters your profile. Don't forget to delete old photos that no longer accurately reflect your look.

Current headshot and full body shot

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success with Central Casting is to always keep your profile updated with a headshot that reflects your current appearance. We recommend updating this photo any time your look changes to give Casting Directors confidence they're casting you based off how you look right now.

Casual, business, formal

Having a casual, business, and formal look in your profile helps give Casting Directors an idea of the range of roles you can portray. Even if you have multiple wardrobe options for each category, you only need to pick one that best represents yourself to upload to your profile. If Casting Directors need to see you in specific wardrobe, they will likely ask you to send a recent selfie in that look.

Unique looks or costumes

Do you have a solid 1980s look to show off? A great non-trademarked Halloween costume? Want to show you can play a biker? Adding 1-2 photos of unique and distinct looks is a great way to show Casting Directors different looks you can portray. If you're going to add these types of photos, it must be a look you can put together with wardrobe you own and have access to. Do not upload photos taken on set in wardrobe provided by production. Not only does this violate the Anti-Piracy & Confidentiality Policy you signed during Talent Onboarding, but you won't be able to bring that wardrobe to the next job you book.

Vehicles and pets

Every day our Casting Directors book Background Actors with their vehicles, so no matter the make, model, color, or condition, there's a chance you can get cast with your car. Photos you upload should be of your actual car (not dealership or ad photos) and be taken at an angle where the front and sides of your vehicle are clearly visible.

There may also be chances to work with your pet on set. When uploading pet photos, be sure the pet is yours and that picture clearly shows what they look like.

Want more tips for updating your online profile? Check out our guides 7 Opportunities to Update Your Online Profile and Do's and Don'ts for Optimizing Your Online Profile.

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By Meghan Dubitsky

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Best You
