How to Get Your Child Camera Ready

Your child just got booked as a Background Actor with Central Casting! That's exciting, but it's just the first step. Now it's time to read their details so you're clear on how to get them camera ready for set.
Start with their details
Camera ready means that your minor shows up to work with their hair and makeup (if applicable) done and their wardrobe on, so they are prepared to film as soon as they arrive to set.
Your minor's booking details will include all the information you need to help them get camera ready. You will receive their booking information as a details message from our casting platform, which may include a link to a Details Blog or other resource. These details will include their category type, call time, call location, wardrobe instructions, hair instructions, and any makeup notes that may be needed for the role.
Casting Directors receive booking information as it comes in from multiple departments within production; it's likely you will not receive your minor's details until later in the evening before their work day. Please confirm the details message as soon as you receive it so Central Casting knows you have your minor's work information. We know you can't always read their details right away; we just need to know that you received them.
Depending on the production and your minor's role, you may be given very specific wardrobe notes, have more room to create looks based on the guidelines given, or the production may provide wardrobe for your child. Please pay close attention to these instructions so you what the wardrobe department is going for. For example, if your child is booked as a supporter at a middle school soccer game, you may be instructed to bring a light blue or white t-shirt with no logos to match the school colors. Please bring the type and color of shirt requested and not just any t-shirt. The no logo instruction is also important to note. Productions often don't have clearance to use brand logos, so even if you bring a shirt in the correct style and color, it will not work for the scene.
For some scenes, like in period pieces or specialty roles, production may provide wardrobe for your minor. In these cases, it's likely you will still need to bring or your minor will need to wear certain items to set. Back to our soccer game scene example, if your child is booked as one of the players, you may be instructed to bring cleats, shin guards, and solid black shorts with production providing the uniform top and socks.
Whether your minor is wearing them or bringing them to set, please be sure their clothing arrives clean and unwrinkled (unless otherwise indicated for the role) and hung in a garment bag.
Another key part of getting your minor camera ready is styling their hair based on the notes from production. For modern roles, you may be given general guidance like "formal styles" or "sporty looks." Follow the directions given and use your best judgement based on your minor's role.
When booked in period roles, you may be given instructions and reference photos to recreate specific looks. If you're not sure how to create the desired look, YouTube has a variety of helpful tutorials based on hair length and type.
Don't forget to bring any items with you that you'll need to keep your minor's hair camera ready throughout the day.
While makeup requirements are fairly rare for minors, there may be some scenes that call for it, for example if your minor is booked as a pageant contestant. If there are makeup requirements for the role, your minor's details will include all the information needed for the desired look.
For minors booked in high school age roles, if makeup is a part of your minor's look, it's best to keep it minimal and natural (unless otherwise indicated in their details). When details mention a light or natural look, that usually means a base foundation, mascara, and light blush.
Like with hair, bring any makeup products to set your minor will need for touch ups throughout the day.
Want to learn more about helping your minor get booked and on set with Central Casting? Check out our articles What Parents Should Know About Kids Casting and Why You Should Update Your Child's Sizes.