Understanding Your Central Casting Booking Details

Were you just cast by Central Casting? Congratulations! Getting booked is exciting, but it's just the first step in working as a Background Actor. The next step is to carefully read your details so you can prepare for your workday.
What are booking details?
Your details include all the information you need for your booking, like call time, call location, hair, makeup, and wardrobe instructions. Your details may list information for multiple roles or categories. Be sure to read your details carefully so you understand all the information related to your role and show up to set on time as expected. If you're unsure of your role or category, check your booking message, your role will be listed there.
It's important to note that while your booking information may list an initial call time, production schedules constantly change and your call time often will as well. Your details will have instructions for how to receive your call time changes, which may be delivered via our messaging platform or may be updated in your Details Blog. It's your responsibility to check for call time changes to ensure you make it to set on time.
How and when will I get booking details?
After you've accepted an offer for work and are booked, you will receive a details message, which may include a link to a Details Blog or an additional resource from production.
Casting Directors get your details as they come in from multiple departments within production and will likely not have your booking information until later in the evening before your workday. When you receive your details message, please respond as soon as possible to confirm that you received it.
Putting your look together
One of the fun parts of being a Background Actor is creating your look for set. Depending on your role and the scene, you may be given very specific hair, makeup, and wardrobe instructions to create the desired look. Then there may be some roles where there's more room to inject your own style. Either way, just be sure you're starting with the notes listed and creating your look within the parameters given. If you're not sure where to start, aired episodes of a show can be a good resource to help get an idea of the show's aesthetic. You can also check out our wardrobe and hair and makeup guides to give you inspiration on putting looks together.
You will likely be asked to arrive to set camera ready with your wardrobe on, hair styled, and makeup applied appropriately for the role. Other times you will be instructed to bring your wardrobe with you. Be sure your clothing makes it to set clean and unwrinkled (unless your category calls for something different). In some cases, the wardrobe department will provide clothing or supplement your options, please be sure you arrive with clean and sufficient undergarments. Don't forget to bring any hair and makeup items with you to keep your look camera ready throughout the workday.
Arriving to set
Productions are on very tight schedules and have a lot they need to accomplish in a day, so it's extremely important that you show up to set on time and ready to work. Your details will often include specific instructions for what gate to use, where to park, and how to get to the check-in location. For further help, many studios provide online maps and resources that will help you find your way around the studio lot or location.
You can learn more about preparing to work as a Background Actor in our articles A Starter Guide to Background Work and Wardrobe Basics for the Best Set Looks.