Why You Should Update Your Child’s Sizes

Want to get your child on set of movies and TV shows as a Central Casting Background Actor or double? One of the best things you can do to make sure your minor is considered for the right roles is to update their online profile as their sizes change.
Why are my child's sizes important?
Sizes are something we use frequently when casting both adult and minor roles. When looking for minor doubles, Casting Directors often need to find someone who matches the sizes of the principal actor. Having your minor's accurate height and weight information helps determine which double roles they may be right for.
Sizes are also used when production provides wardrobe. In some cases, your child will attend a fitting before working on set, and in others, they may have to fit into clothing the wardrobe department already has.
With your minor's online profile, it's easy to update their sizes and look information as they change. To update their sizes, log in to their profile, open the "appearance" section, and fix any incorrect information. While you're updating their sizes, it's a good idea to check that their profile is filled out completely and accurately. Casting Directors use the details in your minor's profile when booking their shows; incomplete information may mean your child will not show up in searches for roles they could be perfect for.
How can I update my minor's photo?
The picture your minor took during Talent Onboarding is the main photo in their online profile and cannot be deleted. We know it's possible this photo no longer represents your child, which is why we recommend adding recent photos to the "Current Look: front" slot of their profile any time their look changes. Don't forget to delete old photos that no longer represent your minor's look.
When considering your minor for roles, Casting Directors will most often reach out by sending availability inquiries through our casting platform, but can also post to our Jobs page. In these posts, they may ask for a recent photo of your minor to verify that their current look fits the role they are casting. These photos should include your child's face, feature only the child you are submitting, and be taken in good lighting.
What else can I do to help my child be successful?
When your minor is not filming, you both will be in Holding. You can bring entertainment for your child while in Holding, but please use headphones if playing audio and be respectful not to disturb production and those around you.
If your minor is required to attend school on set, they will work with a studio teacher separate from the parent/guardian and be provided documentation to show their school. Depending on your call time and whether school is in session, your minor may attend their own school first, then will report to set only for work. You may need to bring homework, your minor's work permit, or other materials listed in your details with you to set.
We know working on movies and TV shows is exciting, but please help your minor understand that while being on set is fun, it's also a work environment. There are strict laws governing how long children can work and production is trying to get their scenes filmed while managing the limitations on their minor Background Actors and any principal minors in the scene. Please help your child remain focused and professional during their workday.
Our article, How to Help Your Minor Be Successful on Set has more tips on how to ensure both you and your child are prepared once you get booked on a production.